CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 UPDATE: We are happy to announce that our office
is now open by appointment!
Our families and communities have been through a lot over the last few months. Although we are far from
"business as usual", we are one step closer to a sense of normalcy.
We have made some changes to our office protocols and procedures, all of which to keep the health and safety for our staff, doctors, patients and community of utmost concern.
We want to address your vision and eye health needs as soon as possible. |
Temporary Office Hours
by appointment only: |
Monday |
10:00 - 6:00 |
Tuesday |
10:00 - 5:00 |
Wednesday |
10:00 - 3:00 |
Thursday |
10:00 - 7:00 |
Friday |
10:00 - 5:00 |
Saturday |
9:30 - 3:00 |
While we have, and will continue to see patients with urgent/emergent
eye care needs the same day, we will limit the number of patients we see
throughout the day to maintain social distancing within the office. We
have expanded our hours in order to address your needs in a timely
manner. We have a lot of patients to reschedule, and therefore need to
first prioritize patients with vision changes or eye health concerns
while we work with a limited schedule. We thank you for your patience!
Our primary goal, as we proceed cautiously to provide eye care to our
patients, is to limit the amount and risk of exposure to our providers,
staff and patients. Listed below are some of the measures we have taken
to do just that.
- Decrease the number of people (both staff and patients) in the office at one time.
- Gather as much information, such as: changes to medical history, medications and reason for visit, while on the phone to reduce the amount of time the patient is in the office.
- Space out appointment times to eliminate or limit the amount of people in the waiting area.
- Create initial patient check-in area at the entrance to provide hand sanitizer, take temperature and ask screening questions (symptoms, recent/suspected exposure to COVID19 and travel). Here we can collect new insurance cards and new patient paperwork before proceeding directly to testing rooms.
- Limit one guest to accompany a patient when absolutely necessary.
Masks are a must for patients, staff and providers.
No exceptions. - Advise patients, staff and providers to stay home when sick. - Wash hands frequently with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol. - Limit office clutter. Magazines, books and toys have been removed. Unnecessary objects on counters and desks have potential to collect virus microdroplets. - Limit the number of rooms and surfaces patients come into contact with to limit exposure. - Providers and staff will wear appropriate PPE: gloves, masks and face shields and use slit lamp barriers to prevent exposure. - Increased disinfection protocols after each patient encounter, mid-day and at the end of each day - Schedule appointments to dispense/adjust glasses, when possible. This protective measure is to ensure the safety of our patients and staff by keeping the number of people in the office within the social distancing guidance.
PATIENT APPOINTMENT PROCESS: Before appointment: - Patients will be contacted 1-2 days prior to their eye appointment. Here, patients will begin to see how the exam process will be different from appointments in the past. - Patients will be asked a few screening questions: Have you had symptoms of cough, shortness of breath, fever or body aches in the last 3 days? Have you tested positive or been in contact with anyone with confirmed or suspected coronavirus infection in the last 2 weeks? Have you traveled to any restricted areas or
"hot zones" where a high rate of coronavirus is present? * If there are ANY positive responses to the above questions, patients will be asked to reschedule their appointment for a later date. - Patients will be instructed to wear a mask upon arrival for their appointment. - Patients will be advised to come alone to their appointment, unless it is absolutely necessary to have someone accompany them (i.e., patient is a minor, cannot drive or has special requirements for a caretaker)
|- Patients will be asked to bring a list of medications and insurance cards to their appointment. - Patients will be instructed to call the office from a cell phone in the parking lot to let us know when they arrive.
Arrival for the Appointment: - Patient will call the office to let us know he/she has arrived for the appointment. -
Our staff will obtain medical history and reason for visit before entering the office.
- The staff will meet the patient at the door and escort him/her to check-in. - Patient (and guest, when applicable) will again be asked the above screening questions before entering the office. If there is a positive response to any of the above screening questions, the patient will be asked to reschedule for a later date.
Our staff will obtain patient’s temperature and have the patient apply hand sanitizer. We will obtain the temperature and offer hand sanitizer to guest, when applicable. -
Our staff will make copies of insurance cards and medication list. - Patient will be escorted immediately to a pre-exam or exam room.
Pre-exam and exam procedures remain the same.
Optical Dispensary: - After the exam, the doctor will escort patient to the optical to select and purchase recommended eyewear, if needed. - Optician will assist patient in selecting frames. All selected frames will be kept in a tray after handling to clean/disinfect before putting them back on the frame board. -After eyewear arrives, an appointment will be scheduled to pick-up and complete adjustments for proper fit.
Our goal is to be efficient, but not rushed. You can help by limiting any casual conversation. While we are excited to see you again, we know you are in our office for a purpose. We expect to address your needs completely and efficiently so you can return home safely.
We thank you for your patience and understanding during this time! Please call the office if you have any questions about our new public safety protocols and procedures.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Best wishes for good health,
Dr. Bruce Mazie and the Eye Care Staff |
All of us here sincerely hope that you, your family and friends are all
healthy during these stressful times.
Contact Lens Wear is Safe, however: • Proper Hand Washing is Essential. • Disinfect Contact Lenses. • Discontinue Lens Wear Only if Sick.
Also remember to: • Disinfect Your Eyeglasses. • Eyeglasses are Not Proven to Offer Protection.
We are doing what we can to look after your health and your vision, and
as always, we appreciate you being our patient!
Symptoms • Mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing • Symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days
Transmission • Spreads person to person through small droplets from nose or mouth which are spread when a person with COVID-19 coughs or exhales. • Can catch the virus by touching objects and surfaces that droplets have landed on and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
 Steps to take to minimize risk • Wash hand with soap & water for at least 20 seconds • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. • Avoid close contact with people that are sick. • Stay home when you are sick. • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw away the tissue in trash. • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. • Ensure employees have ample facilities to wash their hands.
PROTECT YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY Covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze with your elbow or a tissue will greatly reduce the number of germs that are able to spread to people and objects around you.
Even if your illness doesn't seem very bad to you, it could be much more serious for someone who catches your germs.
SOCIAL DISTANCING What Is Social Distancing?
Social distancing is a way to keep people from interacting closely or frequently enough to spread an infectious disease.
Here in the office we're asking you to not sit next to each other to observe Social Distancing.
Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, please be respectful of others boundaries.
READ MORE about Coronavirus Eye Safety
(CDC) Center for Disease Control ➤
American Optometric Association ➤
(AAO) American Academy of Ophthalmology ➤